Dear Starry Decisive: My dog masticated a rawhide flip, and expectorated a bit of it, and it then congealed on her snout somewhat like a booger.
Is the proper term for this Dog Drool Dog Bone (DoDrooDoBo) or Dog Bone Dog Drool (DobbyDro)?
Starry Decisive replies: This is an example of the under-documented (but very well-known) phenomenon of Canine Snout Booger / Non-mucous / Not Otherwise Specified.
As you can tell, we are here employing the Differential Diagnosis System of the Dog Drama Signification Manual (DDSM), so acronym usage would be inappropriate. The phenomenon is not Behavioral: Interaction with Humans; Behavioral: Interaction with Other Dogs; Behavioral: Interaction with Cats; Behavioral: Obedience; Behavioral: Other; nor is it Directly Food-Related; thus, it is coded on Axis VII as 05.018.crusty!
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