Please take ten minutes to care about something else tonight.
What would Rosie want you to do?
Darfur can be understood. And there's something you can do right now: Have an informed opinion.
That is a picture of a refugee camp.
That is a picture of American celebrities.
The news today is Bush announcing sanctions against Sudan.
The critical analysis is that the U.S. is less worried about genocide and more worried about oil (Sudan has lots), China (needs lots of oil), and Israel & the Middle East (scroll down to the map).
Also, remember to call the media The COMA.
Finally, a little QDJ for you --
Quotation du jour:
As soon as certain topics are raised, the concrete melts into the abstract and no one seems able to think of turns of speech that are not hackneyed: prose consists less and less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning, and more and more of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated hen-house.
-- George Orwell, "Politics & the English Language," April, 1946
Tags: politics, law, policy, media, corporate media, COMA, Darfur, Sudan, oil, Oil War, Rosie O'Donnell, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, The View, Orwell, George Orwell, language, skepticism, Zombies.
On a subject you've covered before:
Dear Colleagues,
The American Bar Association announced that the keynote speaker for the June 1st, Midwest Light of Human Rights Awards luncheon, Joseph Margulies, will receive the Silver Gavel Award for his book, Guantanamo and the Abuse of Presidential Power.
The Silver Gavel Award recognizes work that reaches the public across a wide range of communities and audiences. It serves to educate the American public about our constitutional legal system and the fundamental principles and values upon which it is based.
The book, Guantanamo and the Abuse of Presidential Power, explores the Bush administration's detention policy follow September 11, 2001. With shocking facts and firsthand accounts, Joseph Margulies takes readers deep into the Guantánamo Bay prison, and into the interrogation rooms and secret cells where hundreds of men and boys have been designated "enemy combatants." Margulies warns Americans to be especially concerned by the government's assertion that the President can have unlimited and unchecked legal authority.
Find out more:
We hope you and your colleagues will be able to join us this Friday, June 1st at noon at the Fairmont Hotel.
For reservations, please contact Brooke Billings at (312) 660-1313 or reserve your ticket online at
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