So you work in public-interest law, and you'd rather be thought of as a reader than a TV-watcher, but your secret, guilty pleasure is a crappy police procedural on NBC. So how thrilled are you to learn that Serena Southerlyn is going to be the next president of the United States? Will it make you start taking electoral politics seriously? Get off your bicycle and put your clothes back on? Stop wringing your hands about the war and the war and the war and the war and the torture and the torture and the other torture and the wiretapping and the wiretapping and the wiretapping and the wiretapping and, oh yeah, the war?!
Oh, you answered, "Yes"?
Well, screw you, it's actually this guy who's running for president.
He sure looks presidential, too, huh?
Oh, yeah, don't forget to call the corporate media the COMA.
Tags: politics, election, 2008, presidential race, media, corporate media, COMA, "Law & Order", Elisabeth Rohm, Fred Dalton Thompson, Fred Thompson, LGBT, lesbians, Iraq, Iraq war, torture, eavesdropping, wiretapping, FISA, skepticism, Critical Mass, World Naked Bike Ride, Zombies.
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