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March 12, 2007



I've been to Hazleton quite a few times. I sort of like it up there -- good fishing in the region, and a pretty interesting labor/political history attributable to the (now defunct) coal industry. But it is definitely not an immigrant-friendly region. I also recall having at least one case before Judge Munley, but I don't remember anything about him. In any event, this is a very scary and dangerous case.


This reminds me of South Africas "pass laws." blech. It's also another example of how "states' rights" arguments are often about the state's right to trample on the individual. thanks for the report, Stein.


Grrr. . . .

The hypocrisy is infuriating. These xenophobes are themselves descended from immigrants. And their ancestors were subjected to the same pernicious nonsense they now employ against these immigrants.

I got new for you chumps. Sodom was not destroyed for the particulars of its sexual proclivites. No, Sodom was destroyed because its people abused travelers.

Fire and brimstone for Hazelton. Fire and brimstone. . . .


Whoa, TallSkinny. You're reading of Scripture is correct of course & so-called "literalists" are really just cherry-picking the verses they want to confirm their prejudices. On the other hand, you-n-yer fire-n-brimstone rhetoric! Wasn't it another PA town that Pat Robertson said was to be destroyed?


Robertson has his very own olympic-sized pool waiting for him in the Lake of Flames.

Karl Marx is much more worthy of redemption than Pat Robertson.

And, hey, pervasive blood-curdling imagery is one of the really cool things about being religious. You poor materialists are limited to insults like jagoff, asshole, etc. -- such invective doesn't hold a candle to fire, brimstone, or the Lake of Flames.

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